Gifts for Christmas Fund
Christmas may be over a month away but that hasn't stopped our volunteers at House of Comfort from getting in the holiday spirit a little early. Deacon Barbara Teliaferro and her volunteers will be spending the next few weeks wrapping gifts for children in need in our community. The gifts ...small toys, hard candies, hygiene items and more, may be the only gift the children receive this year. We will also included the book "Grace for the Moment: Devotion for Kids” for each child. Please help us spread holiday cheer to the children in our community, giving them a chance to experience God's love through a gifts.
Bring your gift items or wrapped shoebox gifts to House of Comfort by Sunday December 14th. The congregation will pray for God to bless the recipients, then the boxes will be readied for community family pickup.
All monetary gifts can be donated by clicking donate button below.

Mother Barbara Teliaferro